الخطة الاستراتيجية
تمت الموافقة عليها من قبل مجلس الإدارة بتاريخ 17 سبتمبر 2020
إلهام إدارة التنوع البيولوجي الأصلي في سان دييغو من خلال التعليم البيئي والحفاظ عليه.
مجتمع منخرط، يدعم بشكل فعال الحفاظ على التنوع البيولوجي الفريد في سان دييغو.
مبادئنا التوجيهية
يستحق الجميع، بغض النظر عن خلفيتهم، فرصًا متساوية للتعرف على الطبيعة وتجربتها. ونحن نضع هذا موضع التنفيذ من خلال إشراك المجتمعات التي تفتقر إلى الوصول إلى الأماكن الطبيعية.
نحن نستند في مبادراتنا وأفعالنا ومناهجنا وبرامجنا إلى العلم والبحث البيئي الحالي. ونضع ذلك موضع التنفيذ من خلال ضمان أن عملنا مستنير بأفضل العلوم المتاحة، واستخدام الطريقة العلمية لتقييم فعالية برامجنا، والشراكة مع علماء آخرين لدعم البحث العلمي.
استثمر في الأطفال
نحن نستثمر في الأطفال لأنهم يمثلون الجيل القادم من القائمين على الأراضي وصناع القرار في مجتمعاتنا. ونضع هذا موضع التنفيذ من خلال تقديم تجارب تعليمية خارجية غنية بالعلوم للشباب تتماشى مع معايير العلوم للجيل القادم (NGSS).
التمكين الشخصي
يتم تمكين الأفراد من المشاركة بنشاط في رعاية عالمنا الطبيعي. ونضع هذا موضع التنفيذ من خلال تثقيف الناس بشأن إجراءات الحفاظ على البيئة التي يمكنهم تنفيذها ضمن نطاق نفوذهم.
أقوى معًا
من بين نقاط القوة الأعظم لدينا كمنظمة هي الشراكات القوية التي نتمتع بها مع وكالات إدارة الأراضي الفيدرالية والولائية، والمعلمين، والمتطوعين، والمنظمات غير الربحية الأخرى، والشركاء المجتمعيين. ونحن نضع هذا موضع التنفيذ من خلال الاستمرار في الاستثمار في شراكاتنا الحالية، بينما نسعى جاهدين لإنشاء شراكات جديدة.
القيمة الجوهرية للحياة
من النحل الطنان المتواضع إلى أسود الجبال المهيبة، تتمتع جميع الأنواع بقيمة بحكم وجودها، فضلاً عن دورها في النظام البيئي الأكبر. ونحن نضع هذا موضع التنفيذ من خلال دراسة الأماكن الطبيعية في سان دييغو واستعادتها وحمايتها بنشاط، مع تعزيز التعاطف مع الأنواع التي تدعمها هذه الأماكن الطبيعية.
أهدافنا واستراتيجياتنا وأغراضنا
Organizational Capacity (OC)
Goal OC 1: Develop board capacity and engagement
Strategy OC 1.1: Within 60 days 1 , the Board of Directors (BOD) will self-organize into committees comprised of at least 2 members each, serving a minimum 1-year term.
Objective OC 1.1a: Develop a Communications and Networking Committee dedicated to generating awareness and support for our work in the public sphere (see Communications and Networking section for specific tasks).
Objective OC 1.1b: Develop a Board Development Committee that will be responsible for Board member recruitment and retention (see Board Development section for specific tasks).
Objective OC 1.1c: Develop a Resource Development Committee that will work with the Executive Director (ED) to diversify our funding stream and elevate our annual budget to $500,000 within 3 years (see Resource Development section for specific tasks).
Strategy OC 1.2: The Board Development Committee will lead efforts to ensure the BOD is continuously comprised of between 5 and 9 engaged members, who are not staff, whose areas of expertise help meet our stated goals, and who reflect the diversity of the communities we serve.
Objective OC 1.2a: Transition staff off the BOD within 120 days.
Objective OC 1.2b: Board Development Committee and ED will develop a BOD orientation packet that includes policies and procedures, BOD roles and responsibilities, BOD member agreement, bylaws, BOD and staff profiles, strategic plan, financial overview, and committee information. Committee will ensure all relevant materials are available on the Google drive. The orientation packet will be completed within six months.
Objective OC 1.2c: Board Development Committee will recruit 2-3 new board members within the next 2 years that have significant board leadership experience, fundraising capacity, or represent an under-resourced community we serve. Board Development Committee will work with Communications and Networking Committee to help identify potential board members through outreach with Rotary clubs, membership at Black Chamber of Commerce, etc.
Objective OC 1.2d: Board Development Committee will organize at least quarterly enrichment activities for board members (i.e., hiking and/or restoration days, board leadership and education workshops), within 30 days.
Goal OC 2: Ensure we have long-term organizational stability and infrastructure.
Strategy OC 2: Upon approval of this plan, continue to add to our administrative record of institutional knowledge, create and update staff policies and procedures, and procure facilities and equipment to support programming goals and objectives.
Objective OC 2.1: Develop policies and procedures for staff retention and growth including Duty Statements, Contracts, Benefits statement, Annual Reviews, and Independent Development Plans. ED will complete these policy and procedural documents within 120 days.
Objective OC 2.2: For each fiscal year, ensure that staff Project Directors, together with ED, write annual reports summarizing accomplishments and present to the BOD at the annual meeting.
Objective OC 2.3: For all programs, ED and staff will prepare annual work plans prior to the start of each fiscal year.
Objective OC 2.4: Within 2 years, purchase a vehicle ($35,000- $50,000) by leveraging funds from grants, corporate sponsorships (i.e., SDGE), fundraising, and/or any method deemed appropriate by the Resource Development Committee and the ED.
Objective OC 2.5: Create at least one space to support both the education and outreach programs (e.g., learning center at Crestridge ER). Resource Development Committee, ED, and BOD President will coordinate installation/construction of the space, as soon as practicable.
Objective OC 2.6: ED will develop a central database that is accessible to staff and BOD for long-term retention of the administrative record, forms, policies, and procedural documents. This includes the organization of documents currently stored in the Google drive. ED will train BOD and staff to use the system within 60 days. ED and BOD will continuously update Google drive, as appropriate.
Objective OC 2.7: Board Development Committee will create an annual calendar of events that includes the annual meeting date, board recruitment timelines, and other duties as assigned within 120 days. The annual calendar will be presented to BOD for approval during the annual meeting.
Objective OC 2.8: Resource Development Committee and ED will develop a budget within next 6 months to transition current Outreach Director/Biologist into a part-time role overseeing the Western Monarch Butterfly and Milkweed Recovery Project, and hire a new Restoration Ecologist/Citizen Science Coordinator. ED will hire a Restoration Ecologist/Citizen Science Coordinator within next 12 months.
Communication & Networking (CN)